阿sir抄牌 惡師奶喪鬧

轉貼: YouTube - 惡死師奶's香港人被抄牌鬧啊Sir


3 則留言:

  1. 初為人母, 十分操勞, 很多時都會性情有變, 抑鬱暴躁, 情緒不穩定, 時不時大發雷霆, 我會比較體諒她們. 今次警察做得很好, 能夠保持良好禮貌, 反而路見不平的路人大爆粗口, 就過份了些少. 主持公道, 講道理就夠了.

  2. I don't hate Hong Kong, but I definitely do not like it at all, the content of these videos are one of the many reasons why....

    HK is just F up.....

    Though I do enjoy watching this crap on this site, its entertaining, and it give me assurance why I shouldn't come back....

