雞巴男 四眼陰公男 敖澤森 搭巴士 真陰公 中英雙語字幕
轉貼: YouTube - [ 中英字幕 ] 雞巴男 / 四眼陰公男 / 敖澤森:搭巴士 真陰公 !( IMG 0836 )
2010年8月初,一架七人車(車牌 ENK)涉嫌 停在巴士站雙黃線地區,而險被一輛城巴撞倒。雙方開發罵戰,並一度阻礙巴士上落,引來旁觀者公憤。事件中沒有人受傷。據目擊者稱,此事一度令交通癱瘓。肇事事主事後被網民公開起底,發現事主為ENK 公司的東主。
Beginning of August 2010, a seven-person van with a license plate ENK stopped at a bus stop near an area of double yellow line, where stopping is prohibited all day. This led to the car being almost struck by an incoming Citybus. The driver of the van and the bus driver started arguing, blocking all buses. This led to by-standers joining in the fight. The driver of the van was later found as the owner of a company named ENK.
別注 - 雞巴男 × Transformer宣傳片
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